
A powerful online database application, which analyses Municipal Electricity and Water invoices
providing clear Key Performance Indicators and Benchmarks, aimed at saving costs.

What is FirstLook™

For schools to be able to understand how their electricity and water consumption compare with schools of similar characteristics, Suntricity has created the online application FirstLook™!

The application analyses schools utility invoices (Electricity and Water) tracking costs and consumption over a minimum period of three years. Key Performance Indicators then illustrates the consumption (in kWh, KL and Rand) clearly indicating historical consumption and costs.

FirstLook™ is accessible online by authorised representatives and SGB Members of schools.

Why is FirstLook™ Important


Very limited information is available on the consumption and cost of water and electricity in schools. The implication is that statistics relating to average costs and consumption is at best patchy, with average consumption per pupil per day basically not known. Historical consumption data are simply not being tracked, consumption “benchmarks” does not exist and information is certainly not being shared at any level in the Education Sector.

This is precisely the positioning...FirstLook™ provides these benchmark!!!

Schools’ Administrators and SGB’s are empowered through easily accessible information of all the school’s electricity and water consumption, via the online platform, therefore enabling informed decisions to effect electricity and water efficiency and significant cost saving.



Suntricity is totally aware that the invoices being provided by schools is at minimum, of a sensitive nature. It's not that the information is not in the public is. However, the data provided is solely destined to provide valuable information to schools, in order to affect change and save money.

We therefore guarantee that:

  • The invoices provided by the schools are confidential and will be treated as such.
  • All data uploaded to the FirstLook™ Online Platform is Confidential to the individual school.
  • Suntricity shall not publish nor circulate nor identify the details of any individual school for any reason whatsoever.
  • All data is stored on a secure server.

We do however publish the collective data of all schools on the database on the "Home Page" of the FirstLook™ Platform, and we will publish data of the consumption of individual schools, although the details of no individual school can be identified.

We take this responsibility very seriously and understand the level of trust that comes with it.

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